Christina King
I've been working with origami since I was 20, and my passion for the art of folding remains unbroken. Initially self-taught, later taking courses with origami artists such as Robert Lang, Paul Jackson, Michael La Fosse, Tomoko Fuse and many more. Study trips took me to Vietnam and Japan to learn from the origami masters there. In 2010, the origami regulars' table was founded in Salzburg. Since then, people who are enthusiastic about folding have met every month to fold together, more on that here. I give courses on a wide variety of topics and am happy to help with any problems related to folding. If you would like to know more about my courses, click here. Origami is a fascinating field and anyone who gets involved in it can discover the whole world and much more. fold from a square piece of paper. Simply subscribe to the regulars' table invitations and you will be informed about upcoming activities once a month. Course dates are also announced this way. You are also welcome to contact me for special requests, I look forward to hearing from you!
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Christina Koenig
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responsible for the content:
Christina Koenig
Henry Dunant Street 42
5020 Salzburg
Image and icon credits: shutterstock, pixabay, own photo material
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